The direct selling industry has long been plagued with more than a fair share of miscreants who have attempted to make the most out of its myriad business models to line their own pockets with money from innocent investors who have been fooled to part with their hard earned savings by the lure of immediate and adequate compensation usually in terms of money and often in the guise of a better, richer and posh lifestyle. For an industry so often maligned even with the right procedures and laws firmly in place to follow, it seems a little surprising that more often than not companies by themselves just cannot get the ideal governance right. This is where there is a need for an authority on the subject. A consultancy that will help you conceptualize, execute and even grow your business model under the ambit of all the possible legalities that are set to govern the direct selling industry. Strategy India will help you identify the best model suited to your business, help you establi...