Illegal Vs Legal MLM - Get the Difference
Illegal Vs Legal MLM - Get the Difference Direct selling business is often considered as a fraud or an illegal pyramid scheme. A lot of people refrain from joining an MLM company or purchasing the products offered by an MLM company due to these doubts. However, the direct selling business has become a legitimate and legal business in India and fortunately, there are several bases on which the difference between a legitimate and an illegal MLM company can be derived. So here are some core differences between an illegal and legal MLM you should know if you are interested in becoming a direct seller or are willing to use the products sold by MLM firms: In a legal MLM company, an employee or consultant can overtake a person who employed them and can even make more money than them. while in the pyramid scheme, an employee has a fixed position and cannot overtake the higher authorities In a genuine MLM company, a consultant does not earn a single penny until he/she s...